Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Works- Day Seven

So... Good Works. What is good works? Well, sort of if you choose to do good, those are the "good works". Also, if you help someone else do the good works, they count as yours too for 1. Helping Someone and 2. Doing the good works they are doing too. So, maybe If you try to do good works every day, you wll have less time to do the bad stuff that would interfere with you going back to live with Hevenly Father and Jesus.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Divine Nature- Day Six

So.... Divine Nature. What is Divine Nature? Well, Divine Nature is sorta what you do that is your usual nature, which is totally divine. I don't know what else to write, so this is the end.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Choice And Accountability- Day Five

So.... Choice and accountability. What is Choice and accountability? Well, basicly, what you choose every day and if you accept the consequenses for your actions. First, choice is agency and choices. Second,accountability is what you choose tho take the consequence for the choices you made. You can'thave one without the other. They come in a pair, always together. You can't pick one end of a stick without picking up the other end of it.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Knowledge- Day Four

So... Knowledge. What is Knowledge? Well, for one, another Young Woman value. Also, Something you can strive to achieve in your life. Someone said that knowledge is a lifetime goal, and not a momentary achievement. Knowledge is power. Power that will come withyou to the next life and will make you far better than someone who wasn't educated or decided they had learned enough early in life. Like I said...Knowledge is power. Power over maybe even Einstein, since knowledge also means knowledge of the gospel, right? So, if you have the knowledge of the gospel you have the power of knowledge over at LEAST Einstein, Newton, and more!!!!!!! So, remember, Knowledge is the best power in eternity. Including knowledge of the gospel, of course. Definitly the best.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Individual Worth- Day Three

So...Individual Worth. What is Individual Worth? Well, for starters, a Young Wonan value. Also, it is what you think you are worth. Jesus said that the worth of souls is great. We have souls inside of us so dosen't that make us worth a lot? To my understanding, it means we are worth a lot. But also, if we are woth a lot, our talents we can share with others are woth a lot also, and you should try to share them, because maybe someone will look at your talents, and discover that they can do something like that, or that they are worth something too. So, We are worth a lot, so try to develop more fully for a better grip on who you are and why you are here.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Faith- Day Two

So... Faith. What is faith? "Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day." Faith is believing in something you can't see, like Hevenly Father and Jesus. Faith is Knowing something is true even if you have never seen it. Is there anything i missed??????? If not, What should I write about next???

Friday, March 15, 2013

Elder M Russell Ballard Talk- Day One

So I am starting this blog for personal progress, but it think that i will keep doing it for a while after. I read a talk by M. Russell Ballard about how you use the internat to spread that word of the lord. He said: "Now, may i ask that you join the conversation by participating on the internet to share the gospel and to explain in simple and clear terms the message of the restoration." So, this blog can be one of those. One of the ones that shares the gospel simple and clear. What should I write about first??? Tell me?